Title Services

KADA is pleased to offer assistance with your title service needs in order to expedite processing with Kansas Vehicle Title Services Company (KVTSC). Below is a summary of services KADA offers as well as important details for processing titles.


  • Title work and lien releases sent to KADA and received by 3:30 p.m. are hand-carried to Kansas Vehicle Title Services Company (KVTSC) the following business day (Monday-Friday).
  • The KVTSC “front counter” processes all of KADA’s "rush" title work while non-urgent title work is completed by the following business day.
  • "Rush" Title Work will be picked up and mailed back to the dealer on the same day whereas non-urgent title work is normally returned to KADA within 1-2 business days and then mailed to the dealer. "Rush" Title work can be requested for an additional service fee of $9.50/$13.00 non- members. If same day mail-back is not requested, titles will normally be mailed back the following business day.
  • If there is a problem with your title work, KADA will immediately contact you regarding what additional information is needed in order to complete the transaction.
  • KADA service fee invoices are normally mailed to customers the same day titles are mailed.

E-Title Transaction

When a title is being issued for the first time, KADA can offer assistance to dealers by expediting processing.

Needed Documentation

  • Notarized lien release (The Lien Release form is available at no cost to the dealer on the Kansas Department of Revenue site or you can access it here.)

Send all documentation to KADA

Duplicate Title Transaction

If a title has been lost, mutilated, or destroyed a duplicate title may be requested.

Needed Documentation

  • Kansas Application for Duplicate/Reissue Title Application signed by customer (This form is available at no cost to the dealer via the Kansas Department of Revenue here.)
  • Title Authorization Form signed by customer or dealer (Title Authorization form is available at no cost to the dealer via the Kansas Department of Revenue here.)
  • Notarized Lien release if applicable (Lien Release form is available at no cost to the dealer via the Kansas Department of Revenue here.)
  • Secure Power of Attorney Form is needed if you are being authorized to act as buyer and seller. See Secure Power of Attorney Details for additional information. If Power of Attorney documentation is needed, ORIGINAL paperwork must be mailed to KADA. (Kansas Secure Power of Attorney form is available for purchase from KADA. Please visit the Dealership Forms page for instructions on how to order this form.)

Send all documentation to KADA

  • Fax: 785-233-1462
  • Email: titles@kansasdealers.org
  • Mail: 731 S. Kansas Ave. Topeka, KS 66603


When a dealer purchases a vehicle and an original title is needed, KADA can offer assistance to dealers by expediting the title request processing.

Needed Documentation

Title Verification/History

If a dealer needs a Verification/History for a vehicle, KADA can provide assistance with this. Please call for additional information and pricing.

Title Corrections

If corrections need to be made to a title (i.e. incorrect VIN, mileage, etc.) those must be performed at your local County Treasurer's Office.

Title Repossession

When a repossession title is needed, KADA can offer assistance by expediting processing.

Needed Documentation

Send all documentation to KADA


Please contact Emily Miller at KADA.
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